Package-level declarations
The desired orientation for the list of choices.
Item control types supported by the SDC library with extensionCode
from the value set and viewHolderType
as the QuestionnaireViewHolderType to be used to render the question.
Pre-order list of all questionnaire response items in the questionnaire.
Desired orientation to render a list of choices.
The date entry format for the questionnaire item component if one is specified, otherwise, the system default date entry format.
Pre-order list of descendants of the questionnaire response item (inclusive of the current item).
The entry format specified in the extension
Whether any one of the nested display item has DisplayItemControlType.HELP control.
The initial-expression extension on QuestionnaireItemComponent to allow dynamic selection of default or initially selected answers
The ItemControlTypes of the questionnaire item if it is specified by the item control extension, or null
localizedFlyoverSpanned over list of Questionnaire.QuestionnaireItemComponent
A nested questionnaire item of type display with displayCategory extension with EXTENSION_DISPLAY_CATEGORY_INSTRUCTIONS code is used as the instructions of the parent question.
A nested questionnaire item of type display with displayCategory extension with EXTENSION_DISPLAY_CATEGORY_INSTRUCTIONS code is used as the instructions of the parent question.
Localized and spanned value of Questionnaire.QuestionnaireItemComponent.prefix if translation is present. Default value otherwise.
Localized and spanned value of Questionnaire.QuestionnaireItemComponent.text if translation is present. Default value otherwise.
Identifies the kinds of attachment allowed to be sent for an element.
Slider step extension value.
The StructureMap url in the target structure-map extension s.
Appends ' *' to Questionnaire.QuestionnaireItemComponent.localizedTextSpanned text if Questionnaire.QuestionnaireItemComponent.required is true.
Returns the string representation of a PrimitiveType.
Returns what to display on the UI depending on the Type. Used to get the display representation for response item answer options such as QuestionnaireResponse.QuestionnaireResponseItemAnswerComponent or Questionnaire.QuestionnaireItemAnswerOptionComponent.
Flatten a nested list of Questionnaire.QuestionnaireItemComponent recursively and returns a flat list of all items into list embedded at any level
Returns a Spanned object that contains the localized instructions for all of the items in this list that are of type Questionnaire.QuestionnaireItemType.DISPLAY
and have the isInstructionsCode
flag set. The instructions are separated by newlines.
Returns R.string.required if QuestionnaireViewItem.showRequiredText and Questionnaire.QuestionnaireItemComponent.required is true, or R.string.optional_text if QuestionnaireViewItem.showOptionalText is true.
Returns the validation error message. If Questionnaire.QuestionnaireItemComponent.required is true, the error message starts with Required
text and the rest of the error message is placed on the next line.
Returns value as string depending on the Type of element.
Returns true if at least one mime type matches the given type.
Returns true if all mime types match the given type.
Returns the unique identifier of a Type. Used to differentiate between item answer options that may have similar display strings
Initializes the text for helpTextView with instructions on how to use the feature, and sets the visibility and click listener for the helpButton to allow users to access the help information and toggles the visibility for view helpCardView.
Returns the AppCompatActivity if there exists one wrapped inside ContextThemeWrapper s, or null
Displays localizedText
if it is not null or empty, or hides the TextView.